Robert and René at the Via Mizner Centennial Event
We just finished our last presentation for this season. Can you believe we did 44 events between September ’23 and April ’24! Makes one tired just thinking about it…
Besides working with some of our favorite annual venues, like:
Society of the Four Arts (Sofia Maduro), Valencia Falls (Judy Cohen), Old Palm Golf Club (Darlene Impellittierre), Osher Lifelong Learning at FAU Boca Raton and Jupiter (Judith Scara), Gulfstream Little Club (Elizabeth Morgan) and the Oceanclub (Susan Bennett), we added some new ones.
These include:
Broken Sound (Lois Verb), Valencia Cove (Vita Goldberg), Gleneagles Country Club (Tami Klein) and the Jewish Federation of Broward (Laura Peimer).
We were also honored to give a presentation at the prestigious Everglades Club in Palm Beach for the Colonial Dames (Peggy Johnson).
The Palm Beach Yacht Club (Karen Couch) had booked us for another 4 presentations this season, and we were truly honored when each time the events sold out so fast, that the club asked us to do an encore engagement. Therefore, next season, they will automatically book us for 8 presentations (4 different topics.) We are on a roll!
Additionally, we added some amazing new ventures to our business.
We were hired to plan, organize, and host the Centennial Celebration for Via Mizner in Palm Beach. It turned out to be a spectacular evening that paid homage to Addison Mizner and his creations in Palm Beach. He hired a Mizner look-a-like, an Isadora Duncan dancer, a string quartet and René gave two presentations about Mizner’s life. The event, which was attended by over 400 people, was a great success, and we now offer Event Planning Services.
We hosted three Palm Beach tours for groups from Oceanreef. Each group came up to Palm Beach, was presented an architectural history about Palm Beach by René at either Renato’s, the famous restaurant in Via Mizner, or at the Brazilian Court in Palm Beach. Afterwards the groups got in a bus and were given a tour around the island narrated by both René and me.
We are expanding our business by adding me as presenter to the Silvin Books & Productions roster. At this moment I have two topics to offer, Barbra Streisand and Whitney Houston, but plan to add some others soon. So far, I inaugurated Streisand once this season, but it is already booked for several engagements after the summer. I hope to see many of our regular fans at upcoming events.
Of course, now that lecture season is coming to an end, we will work on a brand-new topic for René as well. It will see its premiere at the Society of the Four Arts in December and will be about the prolific life of Katherine Hepburn, an actress René admires tremendously, and with whom he had several interactions. It promises to be another exhilarating, informative, and entertaining presentation in René’s story-telling style, illustrated by numerous pictures and videos.
We want to thank everyone who keeps supporting us and giving us so many accolades.