Hello everyone,
We are proud to present the new and improved website. With the expert help of Bob Krausankas from Web Design of Palm Beach, Inc. we designed and created the new layout and look. You will find all the familiar pages, like our events, our lecture topics, and René’s books, but it now has a fresh look.

We just finished a busy 2021 season. We pivoted to virtual Zoom lectures when the pandemic shut our client venues down. We started our virtual presentations with our complementary Tuesdays at Two series, which was designed to entertain people in the
frightening initial phase of the pandemic and to honor essential workers. Since then, we were booked around the country (including California and Connecticut), while also doing several monthly series for Country Clubs around Palm Beach County. Additionally, some of our favorite venues decided to have René come and pre-record his lecture. In the end, we gave 56 virtual
performances in one year.

We are honored by the number of lecture bookings for next season, which will be in- person. These include prestigious venues like Kravis Center for the Performing Arts (West Palm Beach), Society of the Four Arts (Palm Beach) and The Oceanreef Club (Key Largo); some of our favorite country clubs (Valencia Falls, Valencia Isles and Valencia Reserve, and Polo Club of Boca Raton); as well as continuing our long-standing relationship with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU Jupiter, and the Circumnavigators Club of Palm Beach.

During the pandemic we created several new lectures, which have been performed through Zoom, and will be delivered in-person next season. These include Marlene Dietrich-the Woman and the Legend for the Palm Beach chapter of the Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and Concorde-Technology meets Glamour at Ventfort Hall in Lenox, MA, the heart of the Berkshires.

The new topics we are currently working on, and which will premier next season are The Four Lives of Jackie O, and Audrey Hepburn-Screen Legend…Style Icon…Humanitarian… René interacted with both ladies and will weave these personal anecdotes into their life

We hope to see many of you in-person this summer or during our next season in and around Palm Beach.